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Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Act Of War, V1.2
(c) Dave Smith, September 1992
1. System requirements
Act Of War works under Workbench 1.2, 1.3, 2.0 and 3.0 in both NTSC and PAL,
and requires 1 meg of memory as a minimum.
It should work fine on accelerated systems, and is fully A1200 compatible.
As far as I know, the A4000 should be no problem either.
As Act Of War was written with AMOS, it multitasks - use Left-Amiga A to
switch between the game and Workbench.
2. Introduction
Act of War, or AoW as I've just decided to call it as it involves less
typing, is a strategy game in the tradition of Laser Squad, Breach 2 (or so
I'm told) and, if anyone can remember that far back, Rebelstar.
If you've never played any of those games, think of a childish fascination
for big guns married to a fair amount of strategy and you won't be far
So what makes AoW different?
The game is played over a series of missions, five of which are included
with the program. More missions are being worked on as you read this, by
myself and others. And if you don't like these missions, there's no reason
for you not to create your own!
On payment of a small shareware fee (more information later on) you'll get
the mission designer that I use, which makes mission creation very simple.
Everything from the map, to the weapons, to the sound effects can be
Noteable game features include:
* 1 or 2 players
* Sampled sound
* Completely extendable!
* 3 difficulty levels
* Optional line-of-sight feature
* Squad arming sequence
* Explosive scenery
* Fire
* Landmines
* Keyboard and / or mouse controlled
* Halfway-decent user interface
* Revolutionary new ICASS AI system
The five missions included in this release are as follows:
* Informant - An ex-director of your shady corporation is ready to
spill your industrial secrets to a rival company. There's only one
way to stop him - break into his sprawling mansion and take him
out! (Obviously, negotiation comes a long way down the list with
these people).
* Escape - Taken prisoner by a corrupt Planetary Security Force for your
part in the above escapade, you and two companions have been
jailed in an orbital maximum-security prison. Initially armed with
only a little smuggled-in plastic explosive, you must break out of
your cell, somehow obtain a weapon, free your comrades and escape
to a passing PSF shuttle to secure your freedom.
* Terminator! - Soon after you make it back to your base after escaping
captivity, two Terminator droids from a rival corporation stage
an assault! Backed up by a squad of combat droids, they will
attempt to kill you all...
-- Two new missions are included with this release:
* Confrontation - In an abandoned warehouse is stored a superweapon.
Two identically-equipped sides fight to get to it, then to get
out again.
* Firestorm - The ubiquitous PSF have created a deadly new chemical,
Mutranol, allegedly for research purposes. However, they are
converting humans into hideous mutants! Your mission is to
break into the stronghold and destroy the (conveniently highly
explosive) chem dump located in the centre of three defensive
Dave Smith email: csc361@uk.ac.lancs.cent1 (UK only)
8.45pm csc361@cent1.lancs.ac.uk (Internet)
March 3rd, 1993